WordPress Website Development

High-end, professional WordPress websites created by our team of award-winning designers tailored to your target audience. Responsive, fast and optimised for conversions.
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Why use WordPress?

Opensource and Free

Wordpress CMS is opensource and free so it can be hosted on almost any webhost, meaning that you have complete control over your site without a subscription. Furthermore you can also edit source files to add more advanced features.

Enormous library of themes and plugins

There are over 11,000 WordPress themes on themeforest alone and over 50,000 WordPress plugins available on the WordPress plugin directory. This means that for many of features and integrations desired there will be a plugin that will allow achieving it quickly and at low cost!

Great for SEO

Flexible with advanced features

WordPress CMS is a great all round solution that can easily be adapted for a variety of purposes, including blogging, e-commerce (with WooCommerce), membership sites and portals, online courses or LMS websites and many more!

Easy to edit and maintain

It’s easy to keep a WordPress website up to date and secure, you just need to keep the plugins and themes updated which takes just a few clicks! Furthermore, we build the front end of WordPress websites with Elementor drag and drop page builder, which then allows our clients to easily make various edits on an ongoing basis without the help of a developer.

Why Me?

Having started in E-commerce ourselves I know inside out what is involved in designing, building, and maintaining a WordPress website. Having built over 200 websites for my clients, ranging from e-commerce sites to blogs and forums, I will guide you through the entire process, advising on the best options and features to achieve your goals with the website.


Website Development
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What's included

Free consultation and advice

We will have multiple calls to understand your problems and advise you on all options available throughout the process so you can make informed decisions on what is the best scope for your objectives.

Design & Functionality

We take great pride in understanding the unique needs of our clients when it comes to website design and its features. We ensure to take an individual approach that remains true to your brand identity. It’s creativity combined with practicality.

Full ownership

You will receive complete ownership of all designs or other assets produced as part of the engagement, including source files as well as website and hosting admin logins. You will also have access to dozens of licenses, plugins and tools free of charge!

Usability & Responsiveness

Ease-of-use is an integral part of a successful website design. This is why our approach is always user-centric. By default, all websites we build are responsive, fast, secure and user-friendly. We simply look at it from a user perspective.

Search Friendliness

Not taking search engines into consideration when developing a website is a drastic mistake. At the end of the day, why would you need a website if it can’t be found online? Our approach is to always keep search engines in mind.

Saleable to your needs

We are here to support you throughout the journey, so you will have regular calls with your account manager to evaluate progress, discuss upcoming tasks and make any adjustments necessary to the services we provide.

What’s the process

Asked Questions

In essence custom web design can be considered a luxury service. As you may know there are thousands of ready templates and designs that you can choose from which come at a fraction of the price. If looking for a quick and budget solution going with “guided design” with one of these ready templates might as well be the best route. However, none of these templates will be able to truly capture your brand. Furthermore, most certainly a few similarly designed websites will exist and it is truly difficult to find templates or themes that will mesmerise visitors and permanently engrave your brand in their memories. Last but definitely not least, very few ready designs will be optimized to your website goals.

On the contrary, with our custom web design service every single detail in the design is thought about. From layout and colours to iconography and typography, everything is tailored to truly convey your brand and achieve high conversion on the goals you have, whether it may be for the visitor to purchase, get in touch or simply share the website: everything is thought through! Thus to put in perspective, it takes us around 10-12 hours of work to put a concept together (excluding revisions)! So whether you need this service or not essentially boils down to a trade-off between quality and price, and that’s ultimately for you to decide!

WordPress, Wix and SquareSpace are all examples of CMS’s (Content Management Systems).

Wix and Squarespace have similarities in their easy-to-use interface, low-cost options and accessibility to new web designers, but also in their shortcomings with respect to scalability and customisation. Both are better suited for simple websites, such as blogs and portfolios, but SquareSpace offers more eye-catching designs and Wix has more variety of templates.

Both are inferior when it comes to SEO, lacking the advanced settings that are built into WordPress plugins. Only 1.4% of Wix sites get organic traffic!

For complete control over your website, for the potential for customisation and scalability, and for the availability of a wide range of plugins and features, WordPress is by far the best option. WordPress is less beginner-friendly: we’ve invested the time and energy in becoming complete experts in WordPress development to deliver you custom WordPress sites so you don’t have to learn an entirely new skill!

So in a nutshell: if you’re only interested in having a basic website, with limited functionality then you can build and manage it without the need of experienced developers in Wix or SquareSpace, all by yourself. If you’re looking for a website with more complex functionality, a unique design and lower fixed monthly fees then we’re here to help! (-unless learning how to use WordPress is on your bucket list 😉)

We use ClickUp for our internal processes and for time tracking, so we can invite multiple members of your team to the ClickUp board and manage everything there. We can also join other project management tools that you are already using if you prefer.
Absolutely! You can reverse image search any concept or variation we provide, and even individual components of the design, everything we design is made from scratch fully tailored to your brand!
Certainly! From the moment you make the payment all rights to all concepts and variations developed during your project, including the final designs pass to you. We do however reserve the right (unless discussed otherwise in advance) to present the work done for you as part of our portfolio. Finally, upon completion you are also provided with the source file for the design, which can then be passed on to other designers or companies (such as a printing company) for their use.

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